Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quenching the Thirst: Folks Out Here Are PARCHED!

 OK, I know this is my first blog and maybe I shouldn't just go straight in on folks, but damnit, I can't help it!

We see it all the time, Facebook, TV, we hear about it in these thirsty ass songs (Ray J, I hope you catch fire for that damn song), it's everywhere! I for one feel the need to post my two cents about it in the hopes that a poor, dehydrated soul may stumble upon this and get it together.

Let me back up for a moment for the uneducated folks on what it means to be thirsty. Now I'm not talking about getting physically thirsty, no. I am referring to those who desperately need a significant other. Now, you can be thirsty for one person (Again.... Ray J, I'm giving you the side eye right now), or you can simply be thirsty to have a significant other (Kenya Moore is a perfect example of a desert wasteland).

People, nobody likes desperation, it stinks. People can smell it a mile away. If the person you like ain't giving you the time of day, making love dedications that the mofo can't see on your timeline makes you look crazy. STRAIGHT UP! 


But what irks the HAYLE out of me even more, are people who want someone just to have someone. These are the people who step over the line of the booty call contract, y'all know what I'm talking about. Those who just don't let go. Those who are still claiming exes that have moved on (with a new SO)..... Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out Ray J's new song "Hit it First" here ---> Thirst Bucket Fuckery

Nicki Minaj blink gif 

Is this negro serious?! I swear, the thirst is real people....

So how to avoid this.... Ummmm STOP ACTING A DAMN FOOL! It's OK to have feelings, we all have them, but when you start idolizing these unattainable people, you become thirsty. Just live your life! Stay confident and know that the RIGHT person for you will find you. Begging has never been in style. 

And on that note....


Keep it Diva y'all!

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